2012年9月4日 星期二

Tim Tebow - NFL Draft Choice?

Will we see\"Tim Tebow NFL draft choice\" in the news soon? Well here\'s a few reasons why we just might!

First, Tim Tebow himself thinks he could make it as an NFL quarterback. He has said in inteviews that he would love to play in the NFL and that it would also provide him the opportunity and platform to help support causes that are close to his heart and that would help the community at large.

Secondly, he has had an incredible college career as a quarterback. He has set records with the Florida Gators and won the Heisman trophy. That will definitely have the NFL looking his way.

And lastly, Tim Tebow loves football. It\'s in his heart and soul and he plays as if every game will be his last. He is a fighter, a perserverer, and an incredible leader.

Tim probably sums it up best with this quote...

\"I\'m very passionate, and I love to play football. When I go out there, I\'m very enthusiastic. That\'s just kind of my personality. It\'s always been that way. I\'ve always played with a lot of emotion and a lot of passion and drive. As a quarterback, something I\'ve been learning is that it\'s not always time for you to make the big play.

It\'s not always time for you to get everyone excited. Sometimes you need to be the field general, have ice water in your veins and be calm, so when they see you they can be calm, too. We\'ve got a lot of great playmakers here. Tim Tebow Football Jersey It\'s not always your job to make the Tim Tebow Football Jersey play. It\'s your job to make good decisions and get the ball in the hands of playmakers.\"

So will we Tim Tebow Football Jersey see \"Tim Tebow NFL Draft Choice\" soon? I bet we do!

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